Membership Application Great Lakes Chapter of Spoom
__________ New Members ($10.00, includes entire family)
__________ Renewal ($10.00 includes entire family), for 2023 there is no charge for renewal of membership.
$_________ Total Amount Enclosed
Please Print this page and make check payable to Great Lakes SPOOM and mail to:
Mrs. Kay Garber, Treasurer
17280 CR 40
Goshen, IN 46526-7333
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
Phone (Home/Work/Cell)
(H) (C) (W - optional)
email address ______________________________________________________
__________ I also belong to National SPOOM
__________ I own a mill. _______________________Mill Name
__________ I work/volunteer at a mill. _____________________Mill Name
Location of Mill: _____________________________________________________
My mill is open to the public Dates and Hours: _______________________________
Additional information/notes, etc. ______________________________________________